Monday, September 21, 2009

Faith & Humility, Humility & Faith

Murray writes: "As we see how in their very nature pride and faith are irreconcilably at variance, we shall learn that faith and humility are at root one, and that we can never have more of true faith than we have of true humility."

Faith is passive.  By faith I rest in and depend upon God.  It is an act of humility to place myself in the hands of God.  I will only stand by faith if I am willing to kneel in humility.  But the opposite is true as well.  I can never have more of true humility than I have of true faith.  It is an act of faith to humble myself, allowing God to take care of exalting me.  It is an act of faith to humbly and joyfully accept being treated badly, knowing that God will take care of doing me good.  It is an act of faith to humbly fall to the ground and die as a single seed, trusting that God will use it to produce many seeds.

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