Thursday, May 28, 2009

Leaving a Legacy

From the last page of "Agape Leadership":

"Although Chapman wanted no one to revere him, his love touched so many people that fame became his legacy.  Charles Spurgeon called him "the saintliest man I ever knew".  By the end of his life, Chapman was known worldwide for his love, wisdom and compassion.  He had become so well known in England that a letter from abroad addressed only to "R.C. Chapman, University of Love, England," was correctly delivered to him!"

You may be wondering why you have not heard a lot about R.C. Chapman or have never heard of him at all.  Because Chapman wanted people to dwell on their Savior, not on his life, he purposely destroyed almost all of the letters he had received.  Because of this far less is known and written about him than about many of his contemporaries, men like Hudson Taylor, J.N. Darby and George Mueller.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

R.C. Chapman on Self-Discipline

"God holds us accountable for what we have, and not for what we have not.  If I have only ten minutes to read the word, do I employ those ten minutes according to my accountability?"

"Daniel made prayer and meditation of the Scriptures the chief business of his life; yet, if we consider the circumstances in which he was placed, we shall see that few ever had greater obstacles than he in the way of seeking God."

Monday, May 25, 2009

Vision & Evangelism

To a young missionary heading for the field R.C. Chapman said: "Keep low, look up, and press forward."

"If we act only because our path is clear of difficulty, this is not faith.  Faith acts upon God's word whatever the difficulty; and to walk by faith brings highest glory to God."

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Love Does Not Envy

"How great a victory was that which Jonathan must have gained over himself, when he rejoiced to see David raised above him!  He discerned the mind of God in David, and had so learnt to delight in God, that he did not see in David one who was to outshine him, but another faithful man raised up for God and for Israel."  R.C. Chapman

Friday, May 22, 2009


R.C. Chapman was well known for his hospitality.  He regularly opened his home to missionaries and people in need of a haven.  Those who spent just a couple of days in his home would talk for the rest of their lives about their stay and the impact Chapman had on them.  These are a couple quotes from the chapter on hospitality in "Agape Leadership".

"All who labour for Christ shall receive great wages for little toil."

"What is most precious in the sight of God is often least noticed by men."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Forgiving & Blessing Others

"To forgive without upbraiding, even by manner or look, is a high exercise of grace - it is imitation of Christ".

"The best testimony that Stephen bore was his last: not when preaching and working miracles, but when he pleaded for his persecutors; for then he most resembled the Lord Jesus in patience, forgiveness and love."

"If I have been injured by another, let me think [to] myself - How much better to be the sufferer than the wrongdoer!"

R.C. Chapman, taken from "Agape Leadership"

Monday, May 18, 2009

What Does the Bible Say About That?

With 340 topics, "What Does the Bible Say About That?" has a lot to say about a lot! Each topic fits on one page with a brief commentary, a Scripture reference or two, an admonition and a practical application. Obviously, one page is not enough to say all there is to say about the topic, but it is a good start. My oldest daughter was intrigued when she first looked over the Table of Contents, and I have found her looking at the book a couple of times. One word of warning: This book is aimed at kids aged 8-12. There are a few topics that I have come across for which the younger ones may not quite be ready. As with any book like this, read it for yourself before reading it to your kids. This book could be a valuable addition to the supper table or any other devotional time, or could serve as a reference when a child asks "What does the Bible say about ____________?"