Thursday, December 20, 2007

Some "Unceasing Worship" Thoughts

I thought it might help me get back into a blogging mood if I regularly shared some of what I'm reading. Right now I'm reading Harold Best's "Unceasing Worship", which I would highly recommend. Here's a quote worth chewing on from Chapter 1, which has the provocotive title "Nobody Does Not Worship":
"We begin with one fundamental fact about worship: at this very moment, and for as long as the world endures, everybody inhabiting it is bowing down and serving something or someone - an artifact, a person, an institution, an idea, a spirit, or God through Christ. Everyone is being shaped thereby and is growing up toward some measure of fullnesss, whether of righteousness or evil. No one is exempt and no one can wish to be. We are, every one of us, unceasing worshipers and will remain so forever, for eternity is an infinite extrapolation of one of two conditions: a surrender to the sinfulness of sin unto infinite loss or the commitment of personal righteousness unto infinite gain. This is the central fact of our existence, and it drives every other fact. Within it lies the story of creation, fall, redemption and new creation or final loss."

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