I spent an entire Sunday morning talking about redemption from Ephesians 1:7. The redemption story is that I was on the blocks in the slave market of sin. I was living out my slavery to sin every day. I was a captive to this master. I was owned by sin. Jesus Christ came to the slave market and paid to set me free. The price paid was His blood! The One who never sinned died to purchase me out of sin. I have a new Master.
But what about verses like Ephesians 1:14, where Paul writes of the Holy Spirit being a "deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession"? Ephesians 4:30 also speaks of being sealed "for the day of redemption". In both instances redemption is a future event. What gives? One of the best clues is found in Romans 8:23. Paul tells of how we "who have the "firstfruits of the Spirit groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies." We talk about salvation past, present and future. I have been saved (justification), I am being saved (sanctification) and I will be saved (glorification). We can speak of redemption in the same way. The day will come when redemption will be completed with our release from the captivity of our earthly bodies. Our glorification will include a new suit of clothes! (See 1 Corinthians 15:35-55)
Every time the Holy Spirit bears fruit in your life He is not only making you more like Jesus now, He is promising you that one day His work will be completed! Every time you are amazed by the life-giving work of the Spirit in your life, remember that it's only a deposit. The full inheritance is yet to come! The Holy Spirit is God's down payment or "earnest money" to guarantee that He WILL finish His work. He is the engagement ring that tells us the wedding is coming. The Holy Spirit bears the fruits of joy and peace, but He also helps us to groan with waiting and anticipation.
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