Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Action Bible

If you are looking for a great book of Bible stories for your child, especially a son, The Action Bible would be a great choice. The Action Bible does not contain the actual text of the Bible, but Bible stories. At over 750 pages there are a lot of stories! We got Karsten The Action Bible for Christmas, and he did what the kid in the video does on The Action Bible website!  He is already halfway through the book.

The Action Bible is illustrated by Sergio Cariello, who has been an illustrator for Marvel and DC Comics. The illustrations have that sort of feel. His work is amazing. Old stories that you've heard or read a hundred times take on new life. Under the "Meet the Artist" tab there are several interesting videos in which Cariello explains his approach to illustrating. He talks about bringing the action to life like he would in a regular comic, only these are "stories with eternal value".

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