Monday, March 07, 2011

Ephesians Extra - Jesus Has the Wheel

We didn't spend a lot of time on Ephesians 1:11, but it is one of the most amazing, astounding declarations of God's sovereignty, and it is written almost as a passing description of God.  Paul tells the Ephesian believers again that they have been chosen by God, and God's choosing was all part of a plan over which He has complete control.  God does not make plans and then cross His fingers and hope nothing happens to mess them all up.  Because He knows the beginning from the end, He never takes a risk and is never surprised.  God's purposes always prevail  (Psalm 33:11; Isaiah 46:10).  Psalm 119:91 makes the grand, sweeping claim, "all things serve you."  Everything in the universe somehow serves God's will.  As much as God's enemies hate it and do not intend it, even they fulfill His purpose.  As Martin Luther put it, "The devil is God's devil."

God does not co-pilot the universe.  Jesus has the wheel - not nature, not fate, not circumstances, not chance.  Take some time to sing a song of praise!  Thank God that right this very second He Himself is causing everything to work together for His glory and for the good of those whom He has called and who love Him!

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