Darrin Patrick has written an excellent book, "Church Planter". I highly recommend it for every believer, not just church planters or pastors. Read it, apply it to your own life and pray for your pastor! Rather than a full review, I would like walk us through this diagram. (I didn't see any copyright information, so I'll assume I'm safe.)
Repentance and faith are pictured as the rise and fall of the Christian life. In repentance I see my sin for what it really is. I don't excuse my sin or blame someone else, I own it. I turn from my sin, despising it and wanting nothing to do with it. The foundation of repentance is that I am a bigger sinner than I thought. Sin goes deeper in my heart than I realized.
But the bounceback is faith in Christ. I realize that He is a great Savior in spite of my great sin. He is in me and I am in Him. When God looks at me He sees me as a new Creation in Christ. The gospel reminds me that Jesus lived and died for me. I am completely accepted by faith in Jesus Christ.
This is the cycle of repentance and faith in my life. It is the downward fall of a contrite heart and the joyful rising of a hopeful heart.
Notice also the terms "Surface Idol" and "Source Idol". Patrick's approach to idolatry in our hearts is one of the strengths of this book. He is constantly looking at motives. It can be quite annoying, in a very necessary sort of way! The surface idol is the sin as we see it, and as others see it, with the eyes. You might call it sin manifested. The source idol is the root sin, the underlying desire and motive from which our sin springs. Our biggest problem isn't that we have issues with bad works, but that we have issues with bad worship. It takes a lot of prayer and work to get to the source idols in our lives, but the deeper we 'bounce' in repentance the higher we fly in faith!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Don't Be a Don'ter!
"It isn't enough to be good. Be good for something. The essence of Christianity is not a passionless purity. Don't be a don'ter. Be a doer." Bill Piper
For many Christians holiness is about all the things they don't do, or more likely, all the things they wish they could stop doing. "I would be more like Christ if I could only stop..." This tends to spill over into how we relate to other believers, in that we exclude and include based on what other people don't do.
Back in Ephesians 4:22-24 we drilled down on the pattern of "take off, renew, put on". Take off your old self, be made new in your attitude, put on your new self. (Four sermons here.) Unfortunately, we tend to get stuck in "take off" when it comes to holiness, as if we would be well dressed if we just took off our dirty clothes. Sometimes I just wish my kids would "be good", but what I'm really thinking is "stop it"!
Yes, take off/stop/quit when, where and what God commands. But be renewed in your thinking. Be transformed in your desires. And put on/start/go when, where and what God commands. It's change from the inside out. Aim for passionate doing instead of passionless don'ting.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Mercy Shouts Louder!
"There is more mercy in Christ than sin in us."
Richard Sibbes, The Bruised Reed
Richard Sibbes, The Bruised Reed
God gave us the law so we could know that we are sinners. Where the law abounds, sin will abound. Where people live by the law, they will always have more sin to point out in themselves, but more likely in others. The law can be a dismal place to live. God also gave us the law so we would throw up our hands in surrender and run to Jesus Christ in broken faith. Where there is an increasing awareness of sin there can be an increasing awareness of grace. Or to paraphrase Paul's Greek words, sin migh 'super abound' but grace 'hyper abounds'!
I was reminded this morning of Dr. Layman, a beloved professor from my beloved alma mater. He once pointed out Paul's words "all the more" and illustrated them with the story of blind Bartimaeus from Mark 10 and Luke 18. Bartimaeus used to sit by the road and beg. One day he heard that Jesus was coming and he began to shout "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" He was rebuked and told to be quiet. But he shouted "all the more" for Christ to have mercy on him. And He did.
If your sin shouts condemnation at you today, let the mercy of Jesus shout all the more! If Satan shouts accusations at you today, listen to Jesus shout grace even louder!
Monday, March 07, 2011
Ephesians Extra - Jesus Has the Wheel
God does not co-pilot the universe. Jesus has the wheel - not nature, not fate, not circumstances, not chance. Take some time to sing a song of praise! Thank God that right this very second He Himself is causing everything to work together for His glory and for the good of those whom He has called and who love Him!
Friday, March 04, 2011
Selling Dreams For Small Desires
Some will sell their dreams for small desires
And lose the race to rats
Get caught in ticking traps
And start to dream of somewhere
to relax their restless flight
Somewhere out of a memory of lighted streets and quiet nights
Any escape might help disprove
the unattractive truth
But the suburbs have no charms to sooth
the restless dreams of youth
From the song Subdivisions by Neil Peart
The suburbs are a curious place. Some dream of moving there. Some dream of moving out. Some see the suburbs as an ideal destination, a place they would live if everything worked out for the best. Others see the suburbs as a place to be tolerated until everything works out for better. Neil Peart, drummer for the rock band Rush, seems to understand this. This song calls the suburbs the "mass production zone". It's the place where every need is met within a five-mile radius. It's the paradise of consumers.
But as the song says, the suburbs can be very tough on dreams. Dreams shrink, get misplaced and become disoriented in the endless cycle of consumption and busyness. Big visions get sold for small desires. This helps me pray Ephesians 4:17 for the world around me. I'm praying for the suburbs to let people down. I'm praying for the suburbs' promises to come up empty. And I'm praying for God's people to be there with a glorious, satisfying vision of life in Jesus Christ. I'm praying for churches and neighborhoods filled and flowing with dreams of a kingdom that is the true destination, where every true need is met in Christ the King.PS/Addendum/Extra/BTW
Neil Peart makes no claim to be a Christian, and if you were to peruse his lyrics you might even find some anti-Christian songs. He has said on numerous occasions, "I am no one's disciple", so his beliefs can be a bit difficult to pin down. But that certainly doesn't mean we can't let him help us pray. Let your radio/CD/Mp3 player lead you to prayer. I confess I have even found myself in tears listening to Willie Nelson sing "Bloody Mary Morning" as I prayed for the people who wake up on Sunday morning with a hangover, once again having been failed by a drink.PSS Here's the video in all it's 80's glory!
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