With 340 topics, "What Does the Bible Say About That?" has a lot to say about a lot! Each topic fits on one page with a brief commentary, a Scripture reference or two, an admonition and a practical application. Obviously, one page is not enough to say all there is to say about the topic, but it is a good start. My oldest daughter was intrigued when she first looked over the Table of Contents, and I have found her looking at the book a couple of times. One word of warning: This book is aimed at kids aged 8-12. There are a few topics that I have come across for which the younger ones may not quite be ready. As with any book like this, read it for yourself before reading it to your kids. This book could be a valuable addition to the supper table or any other devotional time, or could serve as a reference when a child asks "What does the Bible say about ____________?"
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