Here's how Harold Best defines worship, and why.
Worship is the continuous outpouring of all that I am, all that I do, and all that I can ever become in light of a chosen or choosing God.
Four observations:1. It involves the entire human race.
2. The words about a chosen or choosing god are meant not only to articulate two fundamentally contrasting theological positions taken within the body of Christ, but also to depict the confused condition of lostness itself.
3. The definition stresses the reality and foundational importance of continuousness. That is, worship does not stop and start, despite our notions to the contrary.
4. The term 'coninuous outpouring' particularly stands out. 'Continuous' implies relentlessness. It is the opposite of periodic or sporadic. 'Outpouring' is used to describe how one person relates to another. Many other words like serving, giving, befriending, revealing, sacrificing might have been used. Best chose 'outpouring' because it implies lavishness and generosity: when I pour something out I give it up; I let it go. God continually outpours within Himself and toward man made in His image. Man made in God's image is continually outpouring as well. Mankind was not just made 'to' worship or 'for' worship, but was made worshipping.
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