That's the question I've been asking for a couple of weeks now, since Byron kind of convinced me that a blog would be a neat idea. I don't remember why he said it would be, but it sounded close enough to a good idea then. Now I'm asking myself again why I should do/have a blog. (I don't even know the correct verbs for blogging!) I looked around for just a few minutes and found there's a blog for almost everything. There's at least one blog by a Martian and blogs in a bunch of languages. There are blogs about art of every sort, from music to mosaic to photography to watercolor painting. There are blogs for birdwatchers, horse riders ('horsists'?), dog lovers and cat lovers. There are blogs for food lovers, including but not limited to, ice cream recipes for vegans. There are blogs devoted to sports, from surfing to fishing to hockey (soccer on ice with sticks). There are blogs devoted to bicycles, shoes, karaoke, the FBI's most wanted, poetry, movies, fitness and on and on and on and... I saw blogs that were profound, and some that tried to be but weren't. I saw some that were full of awful untruth, and the author didn't know it or didn't care. I saw some that were rather goofy, and I'm not sure if they meant to or not.
Most of all, I saw lots of blogs that haven't been updated in months. And lots of blogs with entries that are entirely too long, much like this one. So, I'm asking myself lots of questions. Who is going to read this? Do I even have an audience that cares about my ruminations? Could it be used for evangelism? For sharing ideas about church stuff? Could it be specifically for people at the church I pastor, sort of a "What's the pastor thinking about today and what's on the church calendar?" kind of thing? I honestly do not know the potential. For now, I'm just going to drop whatever's my brain's been chewing on and hope that someone will read and chew and drop some ruminations and so on.
Cool! A post. I like your start, and it's actually a good question. If there is only one thing that comes out of this, I hope it's encouragement. Maybe there will be other benefits as well. I'm excited about the prospect!
I think it will be a good thing, but really do brains drop?
Yes, brains have droppings. Just sit down with a blank legal pad and a pen, then start writing about whatever you've been thinking about lately. It isn't as messy as getting other kinds of droppings on your legal pad. At least I hope it isn't.
I can't believe that my pastor just confessed to having ruminations!
"Who is going to read this?" Me!!! (Michael J. in Alaska)
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