Image-Control Parenting
"This is a checklist method of parenting that is part of the seduction of legalism. Image-control parenting assumes that people will know you are a good Christian parent raising nice Christian offspring by your church attendance, the way you dress (or don't dress), the way you cut your hair (or don't), the words and expressions you use (or don't use), the schools you attend (or don't attend), the movies you see (or don't see), the amount of Scripture you can quote, the version of the Bible you read, and the kinds of treats you give out for Halloween (if you participate at all).
The problem with this form of parenting is not in the things these parents do or don't do. For the most part, these are well-meaning people trying to make good choices, but they make them for the wrong reasons!"
High-Control Parenting
"High-control parenting happens when we leverage the strength of our personality or our position against our children's weaknesses to get them to meet our selfish agenda. This form of parenting is fueled by a combination of toxic fear, toxic anger, toxic bondage, toxic shame, and toxic strength... What makes it so difficult to address is the fact that the last people to see themselves as parenting this way are the very parents who are most guilty of using it as their primary mode of overseeing their kids."
Duct-Tape Parenting
"These families are usually running on empty...and too focused on the immediate rather than the permanent. Rather than figure out how to fix their parenting issues, these families cope by patching their problems."
Life-Support or 911 Parenting
"These homes are much like the duct-tape families but with the added feature that a particular crisis is dominating their focus."